August 14, 2012
Nathan Borney

DETROIT – Auto dealers have returned to profitability and stability, and the average number of vehicle sales at each dealership is expected to reach an all-time high in 2012, according to projections released this morning by Detroit-based Urban Science.

After a major reduction in dealerships during the auto crisis in 2008 and 2009, the industry has stabilized.
The average dealer is expected to sell about 805 vehicles in 2012, up from 719 in 2011 and an all-time low of 513 in 1991.

"That's really good news for the dealers and the industry in total," said John Frith, vice president for retail channel solutions at Urban Science. "It really looks like we're going to hit a record this year."
Urban Science is a retail consulting firm that works with auto dealers to help them choose locations where they are likely to make the most profit and use practices that satisfy most customers.

USA Today